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Evening Tai Chi Program - ARC442002022

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“Embrace the Wild: An Introductory Journey into Five Animal Frolics QiGong” - also, add - (Pronounced “Chee Gung”)
Join in the fun! Discover the ancient art of QiGong through the playful and powerful movements of the Five Animal Frolics. This 3-week introductory class will guide you through the history and benefits of QiGong, focusing on the dynamic exercises inspired by the tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and crane. Each week, we’ll explore different animals, learning how their unique movements can enhance our physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Price (Resident / Non-Resident) Column #10
Unavailable Unavailable QiGong 09/05/2024 -09/19/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Th Clermont Arts & Recreation Center 14-150 $30.00/$30.00